How did i get from bring a simple, happy girl to a girl that is torn and tattered? with scars and pain and fear? as the world revolves, things change. it matters not why, but how.
When we were young, we played with everyone. there was no discrimination. no backstabbing. no fights that could ruin our friendship. we were contented with just having a friend to play with. we were willing to share.
as we grow older, supposedly wiser, we note the differences between each other. we group people and discriminate some. we become biased. a few years gone, we become back-stabbers. we became two-faced bitches. we gossip. we fight. we become rebelious. we become menacing and ruthless. we start to hate.
As we grow older and older, age day by day, aren't we supposed to become wiser? grow smarter? why is it then, the naive little ones can be so unbiased and selfless? so much more than we, the 'grown-ups' would ever be?