doin tis as requested by orlena-xiiaoxxi((:
Rules: Answer 20 question below then tag 8 ppl in your list, list them out at the end of this post, notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged whoever has the tag will have blessings from all.
1. If you had a chance to go out with the person you like and your fav celebrity for the whole day, what will you do?
- be super highh(:
2. How do you feel now?
- kinda sleepy burt cheery..
3. If you can fulfill one wish, what would it be?
- nv endin FUN && happiness(:
4. Who are you thankful to?
- Everyone around mii
5. Important wishes for now?
- nopes.
6. If you can turn something in the past back, what would it be?
- tat would be a secret?(:
7. What are you main priorities now?
- get promoted to 4E && 4A's?
8. What makes me happy?
- Chocolates; sweets; icecream; friends && more sweet stuffs((:
9. What do you wanna change in you?
- nothin((: no one's perfect so why change?
10. What kind of songs can represent your feeling now?
- ByeBye(:
11. What kind of person you hate the most?
- double face ppl?
12. Are there anything you wish to confess most?
- noppes((:
13. What is your defination of a dream house?
- a house full of ppl && a chimney!!(((:
14. Who will you go to when you are feeling low one day ..
- mie friends; no idea
15. What you hope to achieve?
- a perfect life-nv endin FUN && happiness(:
16. What age do you wish to get married ?
- duno; ppl change(:
17. Who do you regret most in your life?
- so far; non bahhs..
18. Who made you angry for the past few days?
- noppes(:
19. Would you prefer to hang out with boyfriend/girlfriend or friends?
- all equal lorhhs.. who ask first then go which wan larhhs..(: iim nort biased((:
20. What School is the person you like in?
- ii dun even know if ii lyk anione? hahas..
anione who if free && is bored is free ta do iit(((:
[iim jus lazy to think]