Monday, April 13, 2009


Jamine; say le write? >:(

had bio elements jus now;
3judges; all male=.=
thenns presentation was fine :D
smiles were seen on their faces.
then comes the Q&A part.
lyk hell larhhs!

Some Qns
1st: How do you measure the amount of white precipitate & cloudy white emulsion?
2nd: Do you have a Control tank?
3rd: Why did you choose this two pollutants.

Why did you use LIVE fishes?
Why cannot jus use plants can le?
Why mus kill them?
[when we say 'live experiment'; found in ponds+reservoirs due to surface run-off;]
In order to create that amount of concentration of calcium oxide;
some1 has to pour bags++ of calcium oxide into it whats.
not possible.

then end.
all stun by the killer qns sia.
then the 1st Qns oso.
how to measure;
we say beam balance.
then cloudy white emulsion observe-black paper placed behind.
burt this-PASSED!
jus the dumbdumb killer qns onli.
hopp at LEAST is BRONZE larhhs.