how pathetic larhhs.
onli posted 1 post in the WHOLE of june =.="
summarizin everything as short as possible;
(elaborate a little on fun parts^^-basically all-)
Stayed overnight at Anna + Erika's chruch on Friday:26.06.09.
was fun;
watched(in sequence):
1· Twilight ❤❤❤
2· Mall Cop ❤❤❤
3· Invasion [it was dumb=.=]
4· Evan Almightly ❤?
5· X-men 3
didnt sleep a wink. left around 6.30+
gate was locked. climbed over fence=.=
ii fell. l0ls. INJURY!!
[my right knee]
thenn few days passed;
sumhow become good gal[admittin ii wasnt one b4]
DID pay attention in class;
blank-d out a few times burt onli happens in E.geo.
(sorry cher!)
thenns home-d && ii actually studied!!
(somehow ii seem to make it sound so.. Miraculous?)
burt all these days slept at 1am+ =.=
cuzz do hmk; regardless hand in tomo or later.
thenns ytd: 02.07.09;
my chinese 'o'level oral.
passage was okays ii believe;
few words wrong burt read it "smoothly" (ii guess?)
then conversation was a dead no-no.
its lyk my brain shutt-down or whats larhhs.
the cher ask majority of the ppl3 qns;
ask mii 4. (=.=!)
all over lerhhs, so yeah;
tomo gonna study with belle..
by that ii mean ii studied 5days in this week;
gonna study another 2more days;
iim practically havin no rest??
iim damn sleepy now><
burt nort gonna sleep bahhs;
ii guess^^
dont act as if you know;
cause you dont;
& the pain ii've suffered;
its twice what you think;
considering you thought of the worst.
history HAS repeated itself;
ii've taken twice the blow;
if the third one comes along;
ii dont know how ii'b able to survive..
Optimism; ii've BEEN one.
tell mii if you are able to keep that up;
after all that you've been through;
in my shoes.
experience; dun act as if you will.
not knowing my past;
dont try to relate to my present;
dont attempt to predict my future
cause you dont;
& the pain ii've suffered;
its twice what you think;
considering you thought of the worst.
history HAS repeated itself;
ii've taken twice the blow;
if the third one comes along;
ii dont know how ii'b able to survive..
Optimism; ii've BEEN one.
tell mii if you are able to keep that up;
after all that you've been through;
in my shoes.
experience; dun act as if you will.
not knowing my past;
dont try to relate to my present;
dont attempt to predict my future