Monday, August 17, 2009

Eng Olevel Oral

went to school today;

amaths-gort back paper; onli check marks.
[was told probably gort E8 overall; amaths. F.]

Biology-went through paper; was informed of marks;
amazingly ii passed O.O
did some go through-ing of SPA skill3

thenns did some stupid survey;


English-did some "revision" for oral.
nth much.

CDP-mdm lee allowed us to practise our oral; through request by mr.lee


after that ishh lunch & Oral.

Waited for around 1hour&30mins for my turn;
tot it was easy though.
nort exactly easy peasy;
burt easy enuff for mii to believe that ii can actually score 30 & above.

home-d & posting.
sleepy burt need to do hmk. siians.

still need to find the CDP project in the beginning of the yr.
tot hand in le;
burt according to cher; ii didnt O.O
need re-do.