Thursday, December 3, 2009


worked today.
supposed to report at 930,
reached at 1155.
left at 6;
movie at tampines.
was lost.
found belle.
slightly late thou[watch-d it b4]
cuzz ii was a lost sheep.
iim bushed.
iim made of emotions and meat.
and being a human too.
iim not a machine or a robot.
ii cant function non-stop.
ii cant pretend nth is wrong.
ii cant not feel.
even machines need their rest.
a break is all ii need.
not a break to sleep.
a break from the whole entire world & every human being on the Earth.

ii thought it was all fine.
sunshine over rain.
iim wrong.
&& ii've always been wrong.
why is it that iim the one taking the initiative?
why is it that iim the kind one?
why is it that iim the generous one?
why is it that ii feel?
ii dont wanna be the person who cares.
ii dont wanna be the person who is concerned.
ii dont wanna be the IDIOT who cares or others more than themselves.
ii dont wanna be the dummy, who willing die for others.
ii dont wanna be the one,
the one who takes all the blame, my fault or not.
ii dont wanna be the stupid one,
the one that is hurt because others are hurt.
ii dont wanna be blamed,
for something that ii was encouraged to do,
not right nor wrong,
but the fault is always mine.
ii dont wanna be the one who is brainless enough to be a shield;
a shield for people around me.
ii dont wanna be treated lyk a machine,
cause even machines malfunction.
ii dont wanna live;
cause my wish is for death.
ii dont wanna be the one who gets hurt.
ii dont wanna be the one to be strong.
ii dont wanna be the one to be brave.
ii dont wanna be the one who is responsible.
ii dont wanna be the one who lives for others.
ii dont wanna be the one;
the one that is all of the above.