Monday, December 14, 2009


am in denial;
as from my tarot-in the past.
iim deluding thyself;
and it works well with denial... ii guess.

relaxing at home;
burt iim bored ii guess.
slept till 2.08 this aftnoon;
sms-d humans b4 that.
even sms message to wrong person=.=
brain never function. hahas..

ii dont wanna be alone.
it makes mii think.
its nort a good sign.
by myself; my mask falls.
its even harder to contain.
alone-d; ii face the truth.
the reality of things.
and it hurts.
a lot.
emo-lishious as ii am;
ii love the night; the moon; the stars; the cold & the rain.
and ii'd love;
to be all away.
nt fm this earth;
burt away from myself.
cause' ii hide my feelings;
and the pain jus magnifies.
away from myself;
away from thinking;
away from living.