obviously more fun then ytd,
since ii made new friends :D
love-d a particular news-------wireless internet avaliable.
always thought SR dont have thou xD
had CCA talks,
iim still hesitating:
join student council or dance or shooting or guzheng?
ii dont want the election and rally for student council.
but ii want to try the experiences.
seems fun^^
shall consider &&,
gonna sleep SOON,
since tomo having breakfast with family..
ii dont know what is what anymore.
ii cant judge, ii've yet to hear both sides.
but iim TIRED.
ii've say that manymanyMANY times le.
but still,
it's really siian to ear these things,
ii WANT to be a neutral party.
ii WANT us to be lyk before.
ii WANT us to be the best of friends, sisters.
but apparently,
iim the only one who wants these stuffs.