Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CNY'10 DD:

1st day of CNY.
valentine's day.
went to temple in morning,
went to cousins house for lunch,
home-d and back to cousins house.
dinner was delicious^^
yumyum :DD
but, didnt eat much thou..
used to eat 2bowls of sharkfins but only ate 3/4bowl.
no appetite.
headache, feeling weak.
chatted with elvira upstairs in room..
then home-d shortly after :(
then headach got worse.
head feels like its gonna drop.
had cough the past few days, but got WORSE.
whole body weak,
officially sick.
ate 2panadol.
DIDNT manage to do ANY homework at all. (except for maybe reading part of the china studies thing)
shit. :(((((((((((((((((
&&&, stupid yeeyew.
幸灾乐祸 DDD:

2nd day of CNY.
ate 2panadol again,
cause' fever returned.
went to ba-jiu's house to bai nian and have lunch.
then home-d,
lay in bed doing nothing-ii have to keep rereading everything ii read in the china studies thing. so ii figured 'why not rest?'.
had 2 panadol again, 3rd time :l
went over to elvira's house again^^
today more people :D
dinner was 'yumyum' too :DDDDDDDD
still didnt eat much-really no appetite.
helped out in the kitchen for a while,
then went up to find elvira plus the younger ones :X
then we had BBQ marshmallows :D
something like a campfire larhhs.
the 'younger generation' were all sitting outside the door and bbq-ing in a circle^^
some ghost stories,
ii didnt eat much, since ii have a v.bad sore throat.
ate 4 thou^^
2 by my bro, 2 by feng(dont know how to spell her name)-she's in SR too^^
then, went up again, home-d shortly after :(((((
coughing fit acts up AGAIN.
was wondering if its because of the roasted marshmallows :(
watch-d shows till 3am in the morning.
couldnt sleep :(
was sleep then, but decided to do 1 qns of math, qns 4 onli.
in the end, ii do math untill 4.15am, till qns8.
its like SO SLOW right?
but iim sick~
ii should learn to be a good gal and learn to sleep early :l

3rd day of CNY.
was supposed to go malaysia today to visit relatives.
but due my sickness,
ii didnt go :l
so only my mum and bro go :((
cause' my mum say malaysia there v.sunny and 're' so dont go, later get worse.
so, iim like being a very bad girl right now,
using the computer and not studying.
iim gonna study lerhhs.